
New Planning Regulations

New planning regulations

Many savvy homeowners who are building a new home in Perth choose to have a New Home Practical Completion Inspection and/or New Home Progress Inspections completed during their build by an experienced inspector who is also a WA Registered Builder. This is the first step checking your home is built to high workmanship quality standards.

There is no better feeling than taking possession of your new house, walking around thinking about what personal touches and future improvements can be made that will transform the house into your home. For many homeowners, improvements will include structures like Patios, Pergolas, an Alfresco, a Swimming Pool or even a kids cubby house. Improvements to your property and adding structures do require Council approval.

Generally, there are two stages of approvals. Planning Approval (sometimes called Development Approval or DA) and Building Approval. This is where the confusion can start for some people.

Does my Structure and/or improvement(s) require both Planning and Building Approvals?

Thankfully from February 2021, some homeowners will be exempt from requiring planning approval for single homes, extensions, and small projects such as cubby houses and patios.

These changes will allow local government to ensure compliance with Residential Design Codes through the “deemed-to-comply” route, which will enable many Planning Applications to progress straight through to Building Approval Stage. Saving valuable time for many homeowners who want to add further finishing touches and improvements.

“Home Integrity was super helpful and explained all processes clearly. They also did a very thorough inspection and I couldn’t be happier.” – Kailah, Coodanup

If you are building a new home and want to ensure your home is built to high workmanship quality standards, you should hire Home Integrity as your advocate. All inspectors are experienced, WA Registered Builders who know what high-quality workmanship and quality standards look like.

For more information or to book an inspection click here or call our Team on 08 6184 5624.

What Are You Looking For?

Pre-purchase inspections

Identify major defects or issues that could impact your new property’s value and liveability.

Construction Progress Inspections

Identify major defects early before your build moves to the next stage.

Strata Inspections

Providing a clear understanding of building maintenance requirements.

Owner Builder Inspections

Offering a second set of qualified eyes to assess the work of your trades.

Termite & Timber Pest Inspections

Qualified timber pest inspectors who will inspect every room for termite activity.

Building Disputes

Our team is here to help you with your building and construction dispute.

Defect Inspections

Determine any faults or defects in a building with a qualified building inspector.

Oops! Looks like we’re having trouble finding this address, it may be outside our service area. No problem — choose an option below or call us 08 6184 5624 and we’ll help right away.


Between Two Rocks, Mundaring and Rockingham


Between Baldivis, Boddington and Waroona


Bunbury surrounds to Bridgetown and Augusta

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To give you the best experience possible, please select the region your property is in.


Between Two Rocks, Mundaring and Rockingham


Between Baldivis, Boddington and Waroona


Bunbury surrounds to Bridgetown and Augusta

Hi there, 

We see you have added an Electrical, Plumbing and Gas inspection (EPG) with a Pre-Settlement inspection. 

Please note these are very similar inspections, just performed at different times. The EPG occurs during your pre-purchase inspection, while the Pre-Settlement occurs 5-7 days before settlement. 

If you require both please proceed to check out. Alternatively, remove one and continue.

If you would like further information, please call our office before proceeding to check out on (08) 6184 5624