
Strata Smoke Detection Systems

Smoke against blue background

It’s getting chilly in Perth, and with the cold weather comes a spike in residential fires as we turn on heaters, electric blankets and bathroom heat lamps. Time to review your strata maintenance plan around fire safety and prevention. Not sure if you have one? Time to chat to our strata building inspectors!

Do you know what is the responsibility of the lot owner and what is covered by Strata Management?

Smoke Alarms

Under Schedule 1 of the Strata Titles Act WA, unless part of a Smoke Detection System, as a lot owner, you are required to maintain smoke alarms within your lot.

Why? Because, as a lot owner, you may also have the obligation to mitigate the loss of others.

Smoke alarms detect and provide a warning of the presence of fire to occupants and surrounding areas.? They need to be:

  • In working order.
  • Hardwired.
  • Installed in compliant locations.
  • Replaced every 10 years.

According to Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety, to maintain your smoke alarms you should:

  • Test once per month to ensure the battery and the alarm sounder are operating.
  • Check the smoke alarm for any build-up of dust and cobwebs and clean with a vacuum cleaner at least every six months.
  • Vacuum with a soft brush attachment around the smoke alarm vents.
  • Use a surface insect spray around the smoke alarm to prevent insects nesting inside.
  • Replace batteries annually (mains powered smoke alarms generally have back-up batteries).
  • Never paint smoke alarms.

Smoke Detection Systems

Smoke Detection Systems are generally maintained by the Strata Management. They are used in Soul Occupancy Units (SOU) and common areas. They use a combination of smoke detection units, speakers, and sounders to surrounding areas and are operated by a Fire Indicator Panel (FIP).

FIPs need to be tested every month and smoke detector systems need to be tested 50% per year or the entire system over 2 years. For schemes with smoke detectors in SOU’s this means access to lots will need to be arranged.

Strata Schemes can save money by co-ordinating lot owners in groups so smoke detectors can be checked together.

If you notice the FIP panel is beeping, you should report it to the Strata Manager immediately.

Take the safety of the occupants of your strata complex seriously and ensure your fire alarm system is tested and maintained by a professional fire services company.

To discuss Strata Maintenance Plans, reach out to our team today by emailing [email protected] or calling 08 6184 5624.

What Are You Looking For?

Pre-purchase inspections

Identify major defects or issues that could impact your new property’s value and liveability.

Construction Progress Inspections

Identify major defects early before your build moves to the next stage.

Strata Inspections

Providing a clear understanding of building maintenance requirements.

Owner Builder Inspections

Offering a second set of qualified eyes to assess the work of your trades.

Termite & Timber Pest Inspections

Qualified timber pest inspectors who will inspect every room for termite activity.

Building Disputes

Our team is here to help you with your building and construction dispute.

Defect Inspections

Determine any faults or defects in a building with a qualified building inspector.

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Between Two Rocks, Mundaring and Rockingham


Between Baldivis, Boddington and Waroona


Bunbury surrounds to Bridgetown and Augusta

Hi there, 

We see you have added an Electrical, Plumbing and Gas inspection (EPG) with a Pre-Settlement inspection. 

Please note these are very similar inspections, just performed at different times. The EPG occurs during your pre-purchase inspection, while the Pre-Settlement occurs 5-7 days before settlement. 

If you require both please proceed to check out. Alternatively, remove one and continue.

If you would like further information, please call our office before proceeding to check out on (08) 6184 5624